
Update: Molly battled against her cancer and seemed to have beaten it. However, there was a complication with her spine and no pain relief was effective. Sadly she was put to sleep at home in March.
Molly is an elderly — but still still lively! — Staffie who was found wandering and taken to the pound. She was subsequently passed to me. After being fostered elsewhere for a few months she returned to Kim’s Home in October 2014.
Molly has suffered some serious health conditions in recent months. First she was operated on for a pyometra, and then had to have a second op when the wound broke down. Having recovered and enjoyed a few months of health, she found herself back at the vet’s for yet another operation when a mammary tumour that I’d been keeping an eye on started to grow fast.
We hope that Molly will make a good recovery and get back to her new favourite hobby: chasing Salukis (this dog is an optimist by nature!).
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