
Feisty, deaf, demented little Josie – she was found straying and her owners, when notified of her presence in the pound, said that she was nineteen and that the pound could put her to sleep. Thankfully the pound rang me and she moved in after her seven days were up.
She had a year and a half of being warm, comfortable, well-fed and loved at Kim’s Home. She loved all the other dogs – though she gave fosters a hard time for about a day. She had plenty of attitude, as befits a terrier, and she used to protect the pack – until she got mellower and left them to it.
For some time before she left, she had to be hand-fed – no teeth and an unruly tongue that flicked the food away rather than picking it up.
Josie was the dog who took over from Misty as my navigator. She left in December, 2011 aged 21. I miss her still.
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