
Hebe was never meant to stay at Kim’s Home. At the age of 5 months she was advertised on the Free Ads for a small price. I contacted the owner to warn of the dangers of re-homing a pup and to ask her to do home-checks etc. I was not confident that this would happen and so bought the dog myself. I then asked Scruples Whippet Rescue to find her a home. Whippets are so easy to home and I’ve passed dozens of them on – and so I didn’t anticipate a problem.
But homing Hebe was not so easy. Scruples approved some lovely homes but each time something happened to prevent the re-homing. The first potential owner fell off her horse and had to go to hospital; the second became pregnant unexpectedly and decided that a baby was enough; the third learned of her sister’s breast cancer and realised that she would have to look after her children and that it was not the time to adopt a puppy; the fourth lost one of her dogs to a road accident and was too upset to consider a pup after all. And so it went on. Meanwhile little Hebe had been here about 5 months and was the darling of the family – people and dogs. And so I decided that she could stay. I had just retired and could cope with a teenager.
Hebe is beautiful, cheeky, a dedicated duvet diver, bold and funny. I’m so glad she stayed.
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