
Freya is a big brown dog with a beautiful soul. She arrived here when she was just 3 months old, having being found one morning in someone’s garden. She had been tortured in unimaginable ways and was bleeding from every orifice. I offered to take her to the vet. Then she came home with me and she’s still here.
Because of her abuse which caused repeated infections, she had to be spayed very early. She became arthritic fairly young and now has very wobbly back legs. But she’s brave and jolly and she still loves to stagger after a ball and have a happy bark in the park. She has helped Kim look after all the waifs and strays that have passed through or stayed. She was often used in a local dog-training school to socialise puppies because she was so gentle and tolerant.
Freya sadly died aged 15 on 20th May, 2014. She was such a wonderful dog who enjoyed life and was so kind to all the waifs and strays who have come here. She went to the park to meet her public even on the day of her death. Her heart gave way and she slipped peacefully away with the help of our vet. She will always be missed.
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