
Kim’s story is on the Home Page but she can’t be left out of the Remembrance section.
Kim was truly a great dog. She was a wonderful companion. In the days before I knew better I bought her from a newspaper ad. Her mum was a pure Bassett and her dad an opportunist terrier that jumped the fence. She was just 8 weeks old and my only dog – for a while.
During her 15 years Kim welcomed into her home about 200 dogs. Some stayed only for a few hours, some a few days, many a few weeks and months. Some went off to their new homes but came back later for a variety of reasons. Some stayed for ever. Kim reassured the terrified, calmed the neurotic, civilised the naughty pups. She was the matriarch of the family, the one everyone deferred to. Until the last week of her life, she still played with the youngsters and came out on at least one family walk a day. She was my beloved companion. I’m so glad that she was well for her last holiday at Four Acres. She enjoyed the 2 weeks of sunshine and wandering around the garden, delighting people on the beach. She was always a crowd-puller.
Kim left on 19th October, 20I2, her fifteenth birthday. I can’t tell you how much I miss this wonderful, wonderful dog.
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